Lu Jie

Lu Jie is professor and director of the Institute of Contemporary Art and Social Thoughts (ICAST) of the China Academy of Art, founder and chief curator of the Long March Project (2002-present). In 1999, Lu Jie initiated the Long March Project, which began to be implemented and developed to the present in 2002. As an ongoing art project it includes “The Long March – a Walking Visual Display” (2002) and “The Long March Project – The Great Survey of Paper-cutting in Yanchuan County” (2004-2009), Chinatown (2005-2007), “Long March Project – Yan’an” (2006-2007), “Long March Project – Ho Chi Minh Trail” (2008-2010), Long March Education (2009-), “Rhizome Forum” (2010-2012) and “Sheng Project” (2015-2021).
A pioneer in the field of contemporary Chinese art, Lu Jie’s work over the past three decads as a curator, editor and art critic has explored the intertwining issues of art, society, and education, the production relationship of art and the political economy of visual culture. Lu Jie is the author and editor of multiple artist monographs, comprehensive art volumes, and art historical publications, he has lectured and taught at art schools worldwide and has served as an advisor and juror for international and Chinese contemporary art award and art institutions. The “Zunyi symposium – Curating in Chinese Context” (2002) he initiated was China’s first international curatorial symposium.
Since 2021, he has taken over as the director of the Institute of Contemporary Art and Social Thoughts, which he initiated and participated in developing as the first and the most established program of curatorial studies in China.