Briankle G. Chang

Briankle G. Chang received his Ph.D. in Speech Communication from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and is now a professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. His research interests include media philosophy, continental theories, and cultural studies. He is the author of Deconstructing Communication: Representation, Subject, and Economies of Exchange, Coeditor of Philosophy of Communication and Thinking Media and Beyond: New Perspectives from German Media Theory and the founding editor of Communication+1, an open access journal in media studies. His essays can be found in International Philosophical Quarterly, Positions, British Journal of Aesthetics, differences, Cultural Critique, Cultural Studies, Journal of European Ideas, Text and Performance Quarterly, Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, Journal of Literary Semantics, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, and others.