Wang Jianwei

Wang Jianwei (b. 1958, Sichuan) lives and works in Beijing. Since the 1990s, Wang Jianwei has been exploring the impact of interdisciplinary knowledge integration on contemporary art, attempting to create new artistic languages using methods from different disciplines. Against the backdrop of knowledge integration, he employs philosophical inquiry to practice a cross-disciplinary way of viewing the world, giving these practices a formal expression. As a result, his artistic works manifest in diverse styles, spanning fields such as film, theater, multimedia, installations, painting, and text.

Recent solo exhibitions include: Variations (He Art Museum, 2024); Treading in Sludge (MadeIn Gallery, Shanghai, 2022); Always being, but not the whole (Long March Space, Beijing, 2021); Cambrian (West Bund Art & Design/ARTO21 SHANGHAI, Shanghai, 2018); Dirty Substance (Long March Space, Beijing, 2015); Time Temple (The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, 2014); Yellow Signal (UCCA, Beijing, 2011); Welcome to the Desert of the Real (Beijing, Zurich, Geneva, Basel, 2010). His works have also been exhibited at the Sharjah Biennial (2013), Venice Biennale (2003), São Paulo Biennial (2002), Brussels Arts Festival (2000), and Documenta (1997). He has received awards such as the 10th Martell Artist of the Year (2013), Robb Artist of the Year (2013), and was the FCA (Foundation for Contemporary Art) Grant Recipient in 2008.

In 2010, Wang Jianwei participated in the Ho Chi Minh Trail project co-organized by the Long March Project and ICAST. In 2012, he participated in the ICAST workshop Capital: Film Action.