Sun Ge

Sun Ge, born in 1955, is a Distinguished Professor of Beijing International Studies University and was a researcher of Institute of Literature of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (retired in 2005). She graduated from Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Jilin University and obtained his PhD degree of Politics from Tokyo Metropolitan University in Japan. She served as guest researcher of Facualty of Letters, University of Tokyo, special researcher of Jissen Women’s University, guest professor of Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Hitotsubashi University and Kyoto University.

Sun Ge has been deeply involved in various planning and forum activities initiated by the Inter-Asia School, serving as a member of the board of directors of Inter-Asia School, advisor for Renjian Thought Review (Simplified Chinese edition), and convener of the Inter-Asia Biennial Summit Kojin Karatani station on Points of Transition in Contemporary History: Decolonizing the Future of Asia. Since 2013, Sun Ge has consistently conducted series courses and workshops for ICAST on “What is History?”, “History and People” and “Showa Historical Controversy”. “The Reading of Wild Grass” offered in 2018 became a mandatory course for ICAST.