Chen Jiaying

Chen Jiaying is the Senior Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Capital Normal University. He previously taught at Peking University and East China Normal University.

Chen’s research interests include modern Western philosophy, particularly Heidegger’s phenomenology, and Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language, as well as philosophy of science and ethics. His major works include Introduction to Heidegger’s Philosophy; Philosophy, Science, Common Sense; Dianoesis, Philosophy of Language, a concise course; What is a Good Life; Reasons for Value; Beyond the Doctrine of Sole Truth; and Begin With Senses. His edited works include A Reader on Being and Time, and his published translations include Wittgenstein Lesebuch (co-translation), Being and Time, Philosophische Untersuchungen, Sensation and Sensibilia, Linguistic in Philosophy, and Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy.

ICAST invited Chen Jiaying to participate in the Image VS Spectacle: The Political Economy of Image and Sound workshop in 2011. His CAA courses are mandatory ICAST coursework and have included “Language and Thought-Thinking and Talking” (2015), “Ethical Thought in Ancient Greece” (2017), “Williams’ Ethical Thought”(2018), “Language and Thought”(2019), “Ancient and Modern: Western Ethical Thought” (2020), and “Wittgenstein and Aesthetics” (2022).