Tribute 2018-Future Media/Art Manifesto joint art project between China Academy of Art and Strasbourg, France, was initiated by Xu Jiang and Gao Shiming. Gao Shiming was the chief curator, Ma Nan and Wang Yan were  the deputy curators, and the School of Intermedia Art the main creative team. Graduate students Yao Yuandong, Wang Dongliang, Su Chengcheng, Ye Wei and Wu Fanrui participated in the research team.

In 1924, 26 Chinese artists who traveled to France, led by Lin Fengxian, curated the first Chinese art exhibition at the Rhine Palace in Strasbourg.They presenting  485 pieces of ancient and modern Chinese art, a cultural declaration that inspired the people of that era. It was through this exhibition that Lin Fengmian and his artistic group caught the attention  of Cai Yuanpei, the pioneer of modern education in China. Four years later, in 1928, Cai invited Lin Fengmian to establish the National Academy of Arts and serve as its first president, thus beginning the history of higher art education in China. The Chinese Art Exhibition tunnel has become a ‘pre-history’ of China Academy of Art.

On the eve of the 90th anniversary of the China Academy of Art, at the invitation of the Haute Ecole Des Arts du Rhin (HEAR), the two Chinese and French colleges jointly held a series of activities titled Tribute 2018, to pay tribute to the sages of China Academy of Art with Fengmian: A kind of History; Traversing Objects : A Journey, the successors of Lin Fengmian reconnected with Strasbourg; and Shan Shui: A Cosmotechnics in the former exhibition site of the Rhine Palace in a large-scale video installation to interpret the unique Chinese landscape experience, presented Shan Shui as the 20th century in the ruins of continuous production of a medium to re-open the world imagination for the radical significance of the current world; hold Century: A Proposal at the Atrium of the University of Strasbourg. Fifty years ago, the first student movement of the Eve of Revolution broke out here, at which time the curatorial team invited more than a hundred Chinese and European intellectuals and artists to return to the scene, comment on the important moments with historical potential in the past hundred years, and use these historical moments as a fulcrum to propose the most urgent and anonymous future. To return to Strasbourg, not just to commemorate, but to gather the energy of the whole century to start again.