Renjian Thought (Simplified Chinese Edition) was first published in 2014, inspired by the founding of the Inter-Asia School in 2012. It aimed to continue the spirit of Chen Yingzhen’s magazine Renjian, rooting itself in reality and deeply engaging with society to present contemporary people’s thoughts, emotions, dilemmas, and hopes. Gao Shiming and He Zhaotian were the editors-in-chief, Chen Kuan-Hsing, Lv Zhenghui, Sun Ge, Xu Jiang, and Johnson Chang served as  advisors, and ICAST students Tang Xiaolin, Zhang Jing, and Yuan Anqi served as  the editors.

The term ‘Renjian’ (meaning ‘the human world’) does not refer to the fieldwork sites or subjects of sociologists, nor to the externalized ‘society’ of public theory or to increasingly hollow ‘public spaces.’ Renjian is personal; Renjian Thought represents a perspective that includes one’s own presence. It connects with local communities, whether urban or rural; it focuses on people, rather than abstract concepts like ‘the populace’ or ‘the public.’ It embraces homeland rather than the state, be that fatherland, motherland, or ancestral land. It seeks to inspire a new mode of writing and to recover long-lost attitudes and stances of thought.

The odd-numbered issues focus on exploring and uncovering the historical and ideological implications of 20th-century Chinese revolutionary history, particularly the political, economic, cultural, and everyday life practices of the People’s Republic of China. Topics include: ‘1949 as A Human Event’, ‘New Democracy as a Human Event’, ‘People, Land, Nations’, ‘New and Old, Reason and Time, Circumstance and Situation’, ‘Socialist Transformation as a Human Event’, and ‘The Fifties as Method’. The even-numbered issues attempt to consolidate the core concerns that have emerged since the establishment of the Inter-Asia School. These include ‘Three Parallel Artworlds’, ‘Report on Asian Thought Movements’, ‘Bandung/Third World, 60 Years’, ‘How to be a People, How to be a Nation’, and ‘Thought in the Third World’. These themes build upon the annual academic forums organized by the Inter-Asia School, addressing crisis-ridden sites in Asia today, and exploring the historical and intellectual resources of the Third World.

By the end of 2019, the simplified Chinese edition of Renjian Thought had published eleven issues. As of 2022, the traditional Chinese edition had published twenty-nine issues.