Contemporary Philosophy Research Series was initiated by Gao Shiming at ICAST, aiming to establish close academic exchanges with leading international thinkers.

In May 2013, French philosopher Jacques Rancière was invited to China Academy of Art, where he participated in tours, discussions, and gave a lecture titled “Aesthetic Politics: Equality as Method”.

In 2015, Bernard Stiegler was invited to serve as a guest professor at China Academy of Art, where he conducted a series of lectures and workshops titled New “Technologies, New Media, New Art”, initiating cutting-edge discussion of philosophy within the Chinese art and intellectual community. From 2016 to 2019, he delivered several lecture series: “différence et répétition dans I’Anthropocene’(2016), ‘Entropy and at Work’(2017), ‘Towards the Neganthropocene: Social Sculpture, Cybernetics, and Smart Cities’(2018), and ‘Technology and Aesthetics’(2019).

In 2015, Yuk Hui was invited to serve as a visiting researcher at the China Academy of Art. In 2016, he delivered a lecture titled ‘The Question of Technology in China.’ In 2017, he conducted a workshop on ‘Gilbert Simondon’s Technological Thinking.’ In 2018, he held a series of lectures on ‘Cybernetics, Philosophy, Technology.’ In 2019, he conducted a series of lectures on ‘Art and Cosmotechnics.’