Wang Pu

Wang Pu, scholar, poet, teacher, critic and translator. He is associate professor of Chinese literature and culture and chair of the comparative literature and culture program at Brandeis University, and a researcher at the Institute of Contemporary Art and Social Thoughts (ICAST) of China Academy of Art. He was born in 1980 in Shanxi and grew up in Beijing. From 1999 to 2006, he received his BA and MA from  Beijing University. From 2006 to 2012, he pursued a PhD in comparative literature at New York University, during which time he studied in Paris and participated in the translation of Walter Benjamin’s ‘The Arcade Project’ manuscript. In 2020, he became a fellow of the Nantes Institute for Advanced Study in France. He has published a collection of poems ‘The Pagoda and other poems’ (2015) and’ A Prelude and Miscellaneous Recitals’ (2021), which has won awards and been translated into German, English, French and Dutch. His English academic monograph ‘The Translatability of Revolution: Guo Moruo and Twentieth-Century Chinese Culture’ was published by Harvard University Asia Center in 2018. The Harvard edition of ‘Benjamin’s Biography’ was also recently published, and a collection of poetry reviews is also upcoming. His other papers, criticisms, translations, and essays have appeared in domestic and international publications.

2024 Walter Benjamin and Works of Art