Jun Yang

Jun Yang is an artist based in Vienna, Taipei and Yokohama. His works encompass various mediums, including, film, installation, performance, and projects in public spaces, while addressing institutions, societies and audiences. Having grown up and lived in various different cultural contexts, Jun Yang examines the influence of clichés and media images on identity politics in his practice. Previous exhibitions include  Sydney Biennale 2018, Gwangju Biennale 2018 and 2012; Taipei Biennial 2008,  Liverpool Biennial 2006,  51st Biennale di Venezia 2005, and Manifesta 4 in 2002.

Jun Yang recently concluded  a series of solo-exhibitions and retrospectives that began at Sonje Art Center, Seoul, continued at Kunsthaus Graz, and culminated in Taipei at Kuandu Museum, TKG+ Projects and MoCA Taipei  (one exhibition spread across three venues).Yang decided thereafter to take time off from exhibitions. His interest in institutions led him to join the board of the Vienna Secession in 2021. He sees his latest projects, designing the König bookshop at Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, and creating the kitchen and dining-room for the Oskar Schlemmer Haus (Bauhaus Dessau) as connected to his interest in institutional structures.

2024 Dreaming How Society and the World Could Be