Tang Xiaolin

Associate Professor

Tang Xiaolin’s main research insterests include contemporary art and social thought, modern and contemporary art history, and curatorial studies and practices. She graduated from Nanjing Art Institute in 2006 with a Master’s Degree of Foreign Art History; and graduated from China Academy of Art in 2015 with a PhD in Contemporary Art and Curatorial Study. She was Deputy Dean of the Research and Curatorial Department at the Guangdong Museum of Art, Head of the Guangzhou Triennial Office, and was Executive Editor of Renjian Thought Review (Simplified Chinese) at the Inter-Asia School.

During her doctoral studies, Tang Xiaolin led ICAST students in curating and executing numerous academic exhibitions, forums, and publications including the 1985 and 85 Stories: Alternative Thinking of Chinese Avant-Garde (CAA Art Museum, 2013), A Proposal to “Sheng Project” (Long March Space, 2015-2021), Wild Grass project (CAA Art Museum, 2018-2019), and a series of forums and publications at the Asian Academy. As a faculty member of ICAST, her primary focus is advising on thesis and research.